Psycho Profile and Summary by Facebook ID

The Psycho Profile and Summary API generates an AI-based psychological profile or summary of a person using their Facebook ID, providing insights into personality traits or a concise personal overview

Endpoint: POST

Below is a sample request to perform a lookup using the API:

  "key": "$2b$10$lzptkPKhtLnNrvSkC",
  "lookupType": "LOOKUP_TYPE",
  "value": "string",
  "lookupId": LOOKUP_ID
  1. Replace YOUR_API_KEY in the "key" field with your actual API Key.

  2. LOOKUP_TYPE can be:

    1. "PSYCH" for psychological profile of a person.

    2. "SUMMARY" for a summary of a person.

    3. value is the facebook_id of the person.

The "lookupId" must be set to what is shown in table API lookups types at Developer page or at API lookup types page

Last updated